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Here you may examine all the information that will be discussed at the General Shareholders Meeting 2023.

If you wish to access to information regarding previous meetings, please contact the Shareholder Service Department by telephone at the toll free number 900 505 000 or by email through the following link

Document name No Reg. Date Size
Voting Outcome 24/05/2023 23 KB
Other Relevant Information, regarding changes in the Board of Directors 22/05/2023 108 KB
Announcement and Agenda 20/04/2023 165 KB
The full number of shares and voting rights existing as of the date of the notice of Meeting 20/04/2023 9 KB
Individual Annual Accounts for fiscal year 2022 20/04/2023 1 MB
Consolidated Annual Accounts for fiscal year 2022 20/04/2023 1.023 KB
The Non-Financial Information Statement (NFIS 2022) 20/04/2023 20 MB
The report by the Audit and Control Committee on the independence of the auditor in fiscal year 2022 20/04/2023 1 MB
The full text of the resolution proposals corresponding to the items comprised in the Agenda included in the notice. 20/04/2023 81 KB
Reports and proposals relating to the ratification and re-election of Directors which are submitted to the General Meeting under item Six of the Agenda 20/04/2023 480 KB
The annual report on corporate governance (IAGC 2022) 20/04/2023 1 MB
The annual directors’ remuneration report (IRC 2022). 20/04/2023 375 KB
The report on activities of the Audit and Control Committee for the fiscal year ended on 31st December 2022 20/04/2023 1 MB
The report on activities of the Appointment and Remuneration Committee for the fiscal year ended 31st December 2022 20/04/2023 232 KB
The report by the Audit and Control Committee on transactions with related parties for fiscal year 2022 20/04/2023 1 MB
On the occasion of the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders the remaining documentation is made available to them as necessary or as recommended. 20/04/2023 101 KB
Rules of operation of the Electronic Forum of Shareholders 20/04/2023 114 KB
Resultado votaciones (art. 525 LSC) 20/04/2023 49 KB
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