
1 min read

CEO for ABC Sevilla

CEO for ABC Sevilla

Ignacio Silva, CEO of Deoleo, shares his belief that the greatest lesson learnt during a crisis is the value of anticipation.

In the by-lined article, published by ABC Sevilla, Ignacio Silva shares his views on the impact of the current global crisis on the economy, leading global companies and individual citizens.

He states in the article, “Change always opens the door to an opportunity and these days we have seen how hundreds of companies have minimised the impact on their business by adapting their services or the way to offer these services within new circumstances. But it is not enough to simply recognise the opportunity, you have to know how to manage it in order to get a response that, in addition to satisfying these new needs, does so through meeting and even exceeding consumer expectations.”

Read the full article here: http://ow.ly/YNDM50zYGv2