
Data Protection Clause

Kindly be informed that, with the data that you provide, DEOLEO will manage the necessary shareholders information for the Governing Board as well as other activities related to the company, based on your consent and in compliance with legal obligations.

The data provided will be kept as long as the relationship with DEOLEO is maintained or its deletion is requested. Anyone can obtain confirmation if DEOLEO is processing their personal data. All persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the correction of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request their deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purpose they were collected for. Likewise, they may post their opposition to the receiving information about our company.

You can exercise your rights materially through email at rgpd@deoleo.com. For more information, please consult the Privacy Policy of this web page.

General Shareholders Meeting


Access here the information regarding the Ordinary General Shareholders’ Meeting of Deoleo S.A. to be held on June 5, 2024 at the Company’s offices, located at calle Marie Curie, 7, at 12:00 am on 5th June 2024, at first call

Shareholders can access all the documents related to this board meeting in the section entitled Documentation. If you wish to get in touch with Deoleo for any clarification, please call our toll-free line 900 505 000 or email in the following link

You will find all the updated information on the following sections:

Announcement and Agenda
Number of Shares and Right to Vote
Right to information
Right of attendance and Right to appoint a proxy
Instructions for Telematic Attendance of the General Meeting of Shareholders
Attendance Cards, Proxy Cards and Distance Voting
Electronic Forum
Instructions for Delegation and remote voting
Vote, electronic delegation and registration for remote assistance
Telematic Attendance for registered shareholders



You are hereby informed that the data that you provide to us as a part of exercising your rights to attendance, representation, and voting on the occasion of the next General Meeting of Shareholders, as well as the data provided by the financial institutions where shareholders deposit their shares, will be processed in order to develop and manage the Company’s shareholder relationships. These data shall be provided to the notary solely in relation to the Notary’s certification of the minutes of the General Shareholders’ meeting.

The data provided will be conserved so long as you maintain a relationship with DEOLEO or unless you request the deletion of the data. All people have the right to obtain confirmation regarding whether DEOLEO processes personal data concerning them. Interested parties have the right to access their personal data as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data; to request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected; to request the portability of the data; as well as to oppose its processing or limit this processing, via the email rgpd@deoleo.com. Likewise, they have the right to oppose being sent information on our company.

You can exercise your rights by contacting the email address rgpd@deoleo.com. If you are not satisfied with the service received with respect to your rights, you can contact the Spanish Data Protection Agency (Agencia Española de Protección de Datos).

In order to get informed on how your personal data are treated by Deoleo and in compliance with the applicable legislation on protection of personal data please visit our website www.deoleo.com and consult our Privacy Policy.

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